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Now, to the Art of Gift Giving.
I call it an art
because that’s what it is. Most things in life require a certain level of
craftsmanship and gift giving isn’t any different.
Gift giving should not be an afterthought for you. For as long as you are surrounded by people,
you will need to learn the art of gift giving because it is pertinent that you
gift things to people from time to time.
You really cannot be connected to people in different ways
and not have a reason. So, if you think you can escape it, think again. Below
is a list of reasons to give specially thought out presents to people:
House warming parties.
Birthday celebrations.
Visiting for the first time.
House parties or a get together.
Random acts of appreciation.
When people just return from the hospital or
while going to visit them there.
Myths about Gift Giving
1. The person is rich and can get anything they want or need.
This should not matter. Give not because
they cannot afford it but because it’s a show of appreciation and sometimes,
For example, coming to my house party with
a bottle of wine, not because I can’t afford one for the party, but hey, the
more the merrier and it could ways come in handy for emergencies later.
No they don’t. It’s the thought that counts. Don’t burden yourself with the unnecessary things like the cost of what you’re getting. Be focused on how well it is presented and how you useful it is
Stop thinking this way. Please, it is important that you put in a
little thought, so that you don’t get something useless or what ends up constituting
nuisance, but the receiver cannot get rid of it of courtesy or sentiment.
These being said, don’t get shabby with gift buying and presentations. Put some thought into it. Understand what the person, group of people or family may like or need. Or get things that you know always comes in handy but aren’t too generic.
So, no I’m not asking you to buy a pack of party spoons. Maybe a nice kitchen roll stand or some scented candle.
For a house warming party, you can get a simple porcelain sculpture or a wall frame.
It’s all in the understanding of the when and why, everything else makes sense afterwards.
And please, for the love of everything beautiful, stop buying sets of plates for married couple. Stop it! There is so much that married couples need. Even a corkscrew might be a better option, believe me. Things like a set of canisters might also suffice. We always need those.
I personally like the idea of
people coming together to get something good like a microwave oven, washing
machine or a set of nonstick pans. If
you are however doing this alone, take note of crucial household items and
consider getting those. Otherwise, a cash option in a neat envelope will
Of course, we know that there are so many gift options, from
dresses to shoes and bags, watches, weaves, ties, cuff links, jewelry, perfumes
and all that. But, what if you can’t get those?
Popular inexpensive but effective gift options for house
parties or a get together include bottles of wine, boxes of cookies or chocolates, jars of chin chin
or a small cake loaf. You can always put
them in a nice bag, but you might want to decorate it a little before doing so.
So, how exactly do you package a present?
Best ways to package a gift.
1. You can place the gift in an already decorated gift box or use a plain box and put a ribbon with a bow over it.
2. You can try using a gift wrapper. You can wrap the item directly if has no spikes or you can put the item in a box and then wrap it. Feel free to ass ribbons and bows too.
3. You can simply make use of a gift bag. You can wrap the present before putting it in the bag or you may choose to place it directly in the bag.
4. Things like bottles of wine, jars or boxes of snacks and candy can actually be handed directly, but at least make an effort to tie a ribbon around it for the sake of presentation.
Rules for Gift Giving
1. 1. You need not announce to the world what you plan
to get or that you have gotten something for someone.
2. 2. Make an effort with your presentation. Don’t be
shabby, be deliberate.
3. 3. Sometimes, add a little extra. Add a nice side note or a cute card.
4. 4. Take the price tags off. This is extremely
important. Even if it’s a popular item,
we really do not need to see the price tag.
In conclusion, if you don’t think you have the time to
properly source for the appropriate gift, please consult a gift guide or
I can’t wait to learn
all about how you step up your gift giving game.
(Kindly note that this is not the ultimate guide to gift
giving. This just covers the basics and there are more complex aspects to gift
giving, when taking corporate organization, business relationships and
International gift giving rules into consideration.
If you will like to have a consultation session for the
aforementioned, kindly send me an email or link up with me via my social media
Thank You.
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