Customer Service as an integral part of Corporate Etiquette.
One of the greatest pit falls of any organisation, irrespective of how large or small it is , is the terrible habit of being selectively polite.
Fundamentals of corporate etiquette demand that you treat people with respect and this doesn't stop with the members of staff .
In as much as Corporate Etiquette is in existence to regulate the affairs of an organisation, it is not restricted to the members of the organisation only, but it should be extended to every single person who comes in contact with the organisation, be it through virtual communication or by walking through the door.
Perhaps one of the greatest mistakes any corporate organisation can make is to sever customer relations from Corporate Etiquette and then try to teach it as a different concept entirely, mostly under branding and marketing. It then begins to seem ambiguous and ceremonious.
It is true that not everyone who makes inquiries or comes in contact with your organisation is your customer, but each bad encounter is potential threat to your business growth - "potential" because of course, there are still some cases that occur which bring no consequences. However, because of that one case that could damage your reputation, having good customer service is important and the interesting part is that being polite doesn't cost a thing.
In order no tot bore you with too many here is one key thing to note:
Customer service should stop being seen as a marketing technique. The reason being that the motive sometimes ruins motivation. It should be seen as a n essential element of running a business, not a means to an end. At the end of the day, members of staff begin to size people up and respond to or relate with them based off of what they perceive them to be. There should be standard protocol for relating with people.
When you change your customer service training strategies, you just might notice how seamless it is now for your staff to handle it.
I hope this piece has been helpful.
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